Tish Whitesel Obituary: Halifax, PA, woman died at 48


Tish Whitesel Obituary: Natisha Lynn Whitesel of Halifax, Pennsylvania passed away on Saturday, November 25, 2023, at her home. She was 48 years old. The cause of her death was not released and the circumstances surrounding her passing are also unknown. According to the obituary released by her family, she has been employed in the insurance industry for more than 21 years as the Director of Licensing.

Tish was a passionate golfer who also enjoyed spending time in nature, seeing wildlife, and going on hikes. She cherished the time she got to spend at “The Ranch” tending to her collection of animals. She made a citation for catching a sail fish in the Carolinas, which was a testament to her passion for deep sea fishing.

It was Tish’s passion to go on adventures and to spend time at the beach. Skydiving, parasailing, bungee jumping, zip lining, scaling a cliff, white water rafting, scuba diving, and hot air ballooning were just some of the exciting activities that Tish enjoyed doing. She was not afraid of anything when it came to experiencing new and exciting things.

A memorial service will be held on December 9th from three to five o’clock in the afternoon at the Halifax Ambulance Building, which is located at 31 Bunker Hill Road in Halifax, Pennsylvania 17032

The family asks that memorial contributions be sent to any animal conservation or marine life organization of your choosing.

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